Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Lady Macbeth Wordle - miggz

Wordle: character analysis wordle


Lady Macbeth

Wordle: Lady Macbeth

How to post Wordle pictures, a how to guide.

Okay so there are two ways to do this...

The first way requires you to have windows 7 on your computer, if you don't then just do the second way...

So what you're going to do is go on to wordle and copy and paste your piece of information. It should then look something like this...

Then you're going to turn it into a Wordle picture by hitting "go". Then you should wind up with something like this...

You can then play around with some of the editing tools at the top of the page to change the font, word colours, and even the overall layout of the picture. Or if you want to make things just kinda crazy, hit the "Randomize" button which will come up with a random picture. Once this is done, hit start on your computer, and search for the program "Snipping Tool", it'll look something like this...
Start the Snipping Tool and then go to your Wordle picture. You can then create a square around this picture, and save it to your desktop, the post it to your blog.

The second way of doing all of this would be to do all the same steps until you get your Wordle picture the exact way you want it. Then you want to hit, "Save to Public Gallery". This will then put your piece onto the Wordle gallery. Scroll down, and you'll find a code that looks like this...

You're going to want to copy this code and then create a new post on your blog, before doing anything, change the setting on your new post from "Compose" to "Edit HTML", this option is found right here...

Once this is done, you can paste in your "code" and then finish your post, you should end up with a post with your Wordle picture on it.

Good luck, have fun.
- Eiffel Tower Matt

Banquo Analysis Wordle

Wordle: Untitled

Monday, December 6, 2010

character analysis

Character Analysis

Take your character analysis of one of your Macbeth characters.

Select all and hit copy.
Open and paste your document in there.
Then make a screen shot and save it as a screen shot on your computer and you can print it as well.
Then copy and paste it or upload it as an image onto your blog and the class blog.

Look at which words are the largest, etc. These are the traits that stand out.

Look at what others have posted-what traits stand out?

Ok-We did it last year-I can't remember how to get the image onto the blog. Maybe a computer whiz  in our class can post how to get the info on how to do it. Thanks.